The Daily Process

Your guided daily planner. Get daily workouts and mindset exercises. Start creating better habits and setting achievable goals for yourself in as little as 5 minutes a day.

The Daily Process Guided Planning Tool

Do you find yourself struggling to set achievable goals and establish effective practice habits as a dancer?

Have your teachers repeatedly encouraged you to practice at home, but you're unsure where to start?

The Daily Process is here to help.

How The Daily Process can help you.

Strengthen your Mindset

Don’t let burnout take over, improve your mindset with intentional exercises

Take it with you

You can use The Daily Process anywhere on any device!

We’ve got your exercise routine

Take the thinking out of it, your daily warm ups and exercises are already set for you!

Your Guided Plan

We’ve intentionally set up your plan to last all month giving you all the tools you need

Achieve Your Goals

The Daily Process can help you set and achieve your goals through guided and interactive goal setting.

Body Maintenance

You want to get stronger and improve technique but don’t know how, we have guided exercises just for you!

Are you tired of ineffective practice sessions that leave you feeling frustrated and unfulfilled?

As dancers, we all know that consistent, focused practice is key to success. But it can be hard to stay motivated and on track when you're working on your own. That's where The Daily Process comes in. With our guided planner and comprehensive package of daily warm-ups, conditioning exercises, and mindset exercises, you'll have the support and structure you need to establish positive habits and reach your full potential as a dancer.

Some of the features that set The Daily Process apart include:

  • Dance-based daily warm-ups and conditioning exercises

  • Mindset exercises designed to help you cultivate a growth mindset and establish positive habits

  • A guided planner that takes the work out of creating a routine

  • Monthly updates to keep your practice fresh and engaging

  • A supportive community of fellow dancers to connect with and share your progress

So why wait? Sign up for The Daily Process today and start your journey to becoming a better, more confident dancer. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro looking to take your skills to the next level, The Daily Process has everything you need to succeed.

Take a Look Inside

Get Started With The Daily Process Now!


  • Improved dance skills

  • Strengthened Mindset

  • Increased motivation and accountability

  • Better Habits

  • Personalized support


  • Daily Guided Exercises

  • 15 minutes per day max

  • Set your goals

  • Guaranteed results


  • Smartphone or tablet

  • As little as 5 minutes per day

Normal Price: $16.99/Month


Discount Price: $9.99/Month