Personal Coaching

The Personal Coaching Portal addresses the problem of dancers feeling stuck or plateauing in their dance journey by offering personalized coaching and guidance from expert coaches, access to a suite of tools and resources, and a structured planner to help them stay on track with their goals.

How Coaching Works

  1. Submit a video

  2. Learn by receiving a video response from our team

  3. Grow by working on a customized set of exercises

Want to see if Interactive Coaching would be right for you? Take a look at how it works!


✓ Coaching on Technique

✓ Coaching on Performance

✓ 2 Coachings per Month

✓ Video responses from our team

Receive Personalized Exercises

Targeted coaching with our team of experts. Complete one of our challenges or submit your own video for review. You’ll get a video response from our team with critiques and visual examples of changes to make. These responses will help support your day to day training. You’ll also receive a series of targeted exercises to help you start improving right away!

Do you feel like you've hit a plateau in your dance journey? Are you looking for personalized guidance and feedback to take your skills to the next level?

With the Personal Coaching Portal, you can access expert coaches who will offer personalized coaching, feedback, and guidance to help you improve your technique and progress towards your goals.

How The Daily Process can help you.

Gain Confidence

Feel more confident in your skills and motivated to push yourself to the next level.

Take it with you

You can use Coaching Portal anywhere on any device!

We’ve got your exercise routine

Access a library of personalized workouts to help you reach your fitness and dance goals.

Your Personal Coach

Your Coaching Portal is like having a personal dance coach in your pocket, always there to motivate and inspire you.

Achieve Your Goals

Your coaches can help you set and achieve your goals through guided and interactive goal setting.

Body Maintenance

You want to get stronger and improve technique but don’t know how, we’ll give you the resources you need

Tired of feeling like you're not making progress in your dance journey? Are your practice sessions leaving you feeling frustrated and unfulfilled?

As dancers, we all know that consistent, focused practice is essential to reaching our full potential - but it's not always easy to stay motivated and on track. That's where the Personal Coaching Portal comes in. With our suite of tools and resources, you'll have everything you need to take your skills to the next level and achieve your dance goals.

Some of the features that make the Personal Coaching Portal stand out include:

  • Personalized coaching and feedback from expert coaches

  • Access to a suite of tools and resources, including assessments, analysis, personalized exercises, warmups, visualizations, and more

  • A guided planner to help you stay on track and establish positive practice habits

  • Video submissions for feedback and analysis from expert coaches, including a portion of your solo performance

  • An exercise library with personalized workouts to help you reach your fitness and dance goals

  • A supportive community of fellow dancers to connect with and share your progress

So why wait? Sign up for the Personal Coaching Portal today and start your journey to becoming a better, more confident dancer. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, we're here to help you reach your full potential and achieve your dance dreams.

Get Started With Personal Coaching Now!


  • Improved dance skills

  • Strengthened Mindset

  • Increased motivation and accountability

  • Better Habits

  • Personalized support


  • 2 Coaching Submissions Per Month

  • Daily Guided Exercises

  • Access to a Personal Coach

  • Resources Made Personal

  • Guaranteed results


  • Smartphone or tablet

  • As little as 5 minutes per day

Normal Price: $129.99/Month

Discount Price:

As Low As $69.99/Month

Coaching FAQs

  • Get Started by purchasing the Coaching Subscription! Once you complete your purchase you will now see the Personal Coaching Portal under the Learn tab in the app. You can submit your first video for coaching there!

  • We are currently offering coaching on technique and performance. You can choose from different types of movement or submit a piece of choreography you’re working on like your solo or a combo from class. When you’re ready to submit, the Coaching Submission form will walk you through each step.

  • You can film your videos in the app through the Coaching Submission Form or you can record on your own and then upload the video.

  • When you purchase the Coaching Subscription you will get 2 submissions per month. With each submission you will get a response from our team. Sometimes we may ask for a response video and all responses do not count toward your 4 monthly submissions!